Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sweet Bacon-Wrapped Venison Loin

My dad is a hunter and so every year, there is generally a surplus of venison meat in my parent's freezer. This year, my dad gifted me a few choice cuts of meat. The best of which, was the loin. After a little searching online for a recipe, I eventually landed on this one. It looked easy enough and I really didn't see how it could turn out any other way but amazing. Boy was I right!
After marinating the loin in the fridge for almost 24 hours, I was ready to start assembly (which was just wrapping that sucker in bacon... simple enough!)

After pouring the marinade over the delicious looking thing pictured above, I popped that in the oven and cooked it for about 35 minutes, until it was the perfect medium rare.

SO GOOD! This got serious rave reviews from Uriah (and myself). It was even good the next day at lunchtime. I can't wait for next year when, hopefully, my dad will gift me another loin!

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