Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Abibi Blog!

So being that I'm a regular celebrity now, I've started a blog for JUST Abibi news! You can find it HERE! We all know how awesome I am at keeping up with blogs but I promise to post on there when something exciting happens with Abibi! Like today for example, some pretty awesome stuff happened today in the world of Abibi ;-) Check it out!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

See You At The Boulevard!

Well, I have some exciting news! Charlotte locals can now find Abibi Aprons (and etc) at The Boulevard at South End! I'm really excited to be selling my aprons in a store (I mean, how COOL is that?).

Here are some pics of Abibi in the store!!

Setting up! Almost done!

Potholders to match the aprons! Love my Xmas prints :-)

During "friends and family night"! (and after a few sales!)

If you find yourself in Charlotte, you should check out this store! There really is something for everyone and it's open 7 days a week!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Creative Loafing Charlotte Feature!

I should Google myself more often because today I looked up "Abibi Aprons" on Google and the first thing that popped up was an article written about my Etsy shop in JUNE! June, people! This article has been out there for 5 full months and I had no idea.
I was really excited about the mention (naturally) so I'm going to share it with you!

You can read the article HERE! It's a really nice article and a total ego boost. Plus, there's a link to another local Etsian who makes awesome wood cutting boards. Seriously, those things are sweet, you should check them out after you read the article.