Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year!

Hello there internet and welcome to the year 2011!

So, let's re-cap Christmastime. I gave my apron-gifts to their intended recipients and they were well recieved! I don't think anyone could believe that I made them (which was kind of flattering and a little insulting... I mean, I'm pretty handy. Don't people know that? haha). 

So anyway, here are some pictures of family members enjoying opening their hand-made-with-love gifts!

My grandma and Aunt! Grandma loves birds and my Aunt has a cow-themed kitchen!

It may seem odd to have given my brother an apron but, he actually requested one. His has wizards because I couldn't find anything space-related.

My mother-in-law was scared to use the pot-holders on Christmas day because she didn't want to get them dirty. Haha. I assured her that they were washable and she gave it.

Uriah's Aunt (pictured) and Grandmother got the same one. I wasn't there to witness this (thanks a lot sickness), but I heard they love them.

Aunt Gigi models hers!
So, there you have it folks, this is what we had been waiting for!

More to come on all of my fabulous Christmas gifts that I recieved (most of them involving sewing and baking/cooking... such a good little housewife I am going to become)


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